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STUDIES: Psychiatrist Yen Cheng-fang said children raised by same-sex couples are just as healthy in their mental and personal development as those raised by heterosexualsBy Jason Pan / Staff reporterSupporters and opponents of same-sex marriage presented their viewpoints at a mostly peaceful public hearing at the legislature in Taipei yesterday, with recommendations for and against amending the Civil Code or drafting a separate bill specifically to protect the rights of homosexuals and same-sex couples wishing to marry or adopt children.While the debate continued at the hearing held by the legislature’s Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee, a coalition of religious and conservative organizations held a rally opposing same-sex marriage at the front gate, while lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) groups and campaigners organized activities in support of their cause at the side entrance on Jinan Road.It was the first of two mandated public hearings on the issue after Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislators managed to stall proceedings at last week’s committee meeting to review the various amendments.At that time, a protest against same-sex marriage attended by about 20,000 people, organized by the Alliance of Taiwan Religious Groups for the Protection of Family, was held outside the legislature, with about 60 protesters storming the compound in the afternoon.At yesterday’s hearing, Yen Cheng-fang (顏正芳), a psychiatrist specializing in children’s issues, said homosexuals should have the equal rights as the rest of society to enter into a marriage, form a family and raise children.“LGBT persons will not cause unhealthy development in children, the problem is social discrimination. My studies indicate children raised by same-sex couples are just as healthy in their mental and personal development as those raised by heterosexual couples,” Yen said.Kaohsiung Presbyterian minister Tsai Wei-en (蔡維恩) said that most Presbyterian churches and their congregations are opposed to the legalization of same-sex marriage.“We represent the silent majority of Taiwanese. There are many people who are against [same-sex marriage], but were not given opportunity to express their opinion,” Tsai said.Tsai said he has empathy for homosexuals and their plight, “but to legalize their marriage and other rights, it is in reality an oppression as it deprives the rights of a majority of people.”Former New Party legislator Hsieh Chi-ta (謝啟大) said she is opposed to legalizing same-sex marriage as the issue has created much conflict and division in society.“Marriage is not a legal right granted by the government, it is a social institution to have a family for propagating the next generation,” Hsieh said.“The bill is not necessary, because Taiwanese do not discriminate, we are a very tolerant society ... even someone with Asperger syndrome can be elected mayor,” she said, referring to Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲).“If I see a cockroach, it does not mean there is only one, but that there are hundreds of cockroaches behind it,” she said, accusing the Ministry of Justice of failing to conduct in-depth analysis and take into consideration the “domino effect” when it studied same-sex marriage issues in other nations.She cited an Academia Sinica study that said that only 0.2 percent of the population profess to being homosexual, while 1.9 percent identify as bisexual.“How can we allow a minority to dictate policies for the vast majority of people. If the bill passes, it will destroy the fundamental structure of society,” she said.Gay rights activist Chen Chih-ming (陳志明) called for the nation to be more progressive and to entrench LGBT rights as has been done in other advanced nations.“We are just asking the nation to protect and guarantee our equal rights as citizens without discrimination. We also want to have a loving spouse, but cannot do so under the current law,” Chen said.Some participants said it would be better to draft a separate bill specifically to protect the rights of homosexuals and same-sex couples rather than amending the Civil Code.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES




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鉅亨網新聞中心共和黨籍的地產大亨川普 (Donald Trump) 當選美國第 45 屆總統,國會參眾兩院又由共和黨贏得多數席次,華盛頓過去四年的政治僵局終於解除,財政刺激政策有望順利推動,未來金融法令料將鬆綁、基礎建設則可望增溫,投資人也紛紛押注川普執政的受惠族群。 新聞來源: 鉅亨網 2016-11-14 鉅亨解讀川普競選承諾包含擴大財政支出及減稅等兩大政策,假設川普與共和黨掌控的國會順利實施承諾的政策,以下三個潛在利多,將成為美股進一步上漲的推手。 1.

擴大財政支出,美國內需受惠 財政支出上升,小型股看佳 資料來源:Bloomberg,鉅亨網投顧整理;資料日期:2016/11/14。此資料僅為歷史數據模擬回測,不為未來投資獲利之保證,在不同指數走勢、比重與期間下,可能得到不同數據結果。川普計畫推出高達 5,500 億美元的額外財政支出,以新建及維修美國亟需的基礎建設,而其中最大宗便是道路、橋梁、鐵路及機場等交通運輸項目。從 2010 年至 2015 年,年度美國財政支出從 3.46 兆美元一路成長至 3.69 兆美元,但其中交通運輸支出卻從 920 億美元降至 895 億美元,若 5,500 億美元的基礎建設支出可於川普的 4 年任內實施,對美國內需將是一大利多。從上圖可看出,當美國交通運輸支出年增率上行時,內需比重較高的美國小型類股,往往跟隨並展開強勁漲勢。 2.

減稅,民間及企業更有活力 企業減稅,有利股價 資料來源:Bloomberg,有效企業稅率為美國經濟分析局企業獲利納稅額除以企業稅前獲利,鉅亨網投顧整理;資料日期:2016/11/14。此資料僅為歷史數據模擬回測,不為未來投資獲利之保證,在不同指數走勢、比重與期間下,可能得到不同數據結果。除了增加基礎建設支出,減稅為第二項政策利多,根據川普競選團隊,川普將同時削減企業及個人稅率,以刺激投資及消費支出。根據布魯金斯學會 (Brookings Institute) 的稅務政策中心的報告,平均個人所得稅將減少 5,144 美元,而中等收入者個人所得稅將減少 2,732 美元,而除了所得稅,資本利得、配息及利息收入的稅率也會下調,消費者可支配收入將因此增加。個人稅率外,企業所得稅率也將從 35% 大幅下調至 15%,根據美國經濟分析局資料計算,目前美國有效稅率為 33.2%,參考過去走勢可發現,當有效企業稅率下降時,美國股市可望跟隨上漲。 3.

聯準會立場轉變,美元資產吸金除了財政政策及減稅外,市場最關注的便是聯準會是否因此改變升息步伐,若聯準會加快升息腳步,更高的利率將使美元走升,而強勢的美元將吸引資金進一步流入美國,並推升美元計價資產價格。從目前川普競選團隊來看,川普經濟顧問團隊中的 David Malpass、John Paulson、Andy Beal 及 Stephen Moore 等人均曾批評聯準會過度鴿派的政策,而團隊中影響力日增的副總統 Mike Pence,則是希望美元走強的鷹派人士,加上川普將有兩名聯準會委員的任命權,聯準會明年升息步伐恐加快,美股為首的美元資產可望搶先受惠。 鉅亨投資策略基金操作上,建議如下:美國經濟轉佳,增持美股基金美國準備從寬鬆貨幣政策,轉向擴大財政刺激政策,加上減稅可望刺激民間消費及企業投資,短期美國經濟成長率有衝高機會,建議投資人增持以內需為主的美國小型股票型基金,以參與美國經濟復甦的好處。 >> 別怕,這樣佈局對付川普當選 >> 美國大選,投資策略看這裡鉅亨網投顧 獨立經營管理本資料僅供參考,鉅亨網投顧已盡力就可靠之資料來源提供正確之意見與消息,但無法保證該等資料之完整性。內容涉及新興市場部分,因其波動性與風險程度可能較高,且其政治與經濟情勢穩定度可能低於已開發國家,也可能使資產價值受不同程度之影響,匯率走勢亦可能影響所投資之海外資產價值變動。本文提及之經濟走勢預測不必然代表基金之績效,投資人應依其本身之判斷投資,若有損益或因使用本資料所生之直接或間接損失,應由投資人自行負責,鉅亨網投顧無須負擔任何責任。請勿將本資料視為買賣基金或其他投資之建議或邀約。本資料所示個別公司係為說明或舉例之目的,並非推薦個股之投資。投資人投資以高收益債券為訴求之基金不宜占其投資組合過高之比重。由於高收益債券之信用評等未達投資等級或未經信用評等,且對利率變動的敏感度甚高,故基金可能會因利率上升、市場流動性下降,或債券發行機構違約不支付本金、利息或破產而蒙受虧損。投資人應審慎評估,該等基金不適合無法承擔相關風險之投資人。

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